The distributor of electrical and mechanical door hardware.

The largest inventory, same-day shipping, the most expert support. SECLOCK is here for you every step of the way.

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A man pushing a cart with boxes through a warehouse

Vast Inventory

With the industry’s most extensive in-stock inventory of products from the top manufacturers, you’ll always get what you need.

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Quick Shipping

With the most products on the shelf and just-in-time delivery, you can say goodbye to unnecessary delays and hello to getting the job done sooner.

A box with SECLOCK branding
A collage of various ways we share our expertise

Technical Expertise

Field-experienced and factory-trained, our reps are here to provide solutions for any and all of your jobs.

A keypad style door handle surrounded by manufacturer logos

Parts Department

No matter what part, component, or accessory you need, our dedicated Parts Department has it all; source every finish, function, design, length, voltage, option, and more—with unrivaled technical expertise to back it up.

See How

The Leader for a Reason

For over 40 years, SECLOCK has prided itself on offering the widest and deepest inventory with the most expert technical support. It's that combination that sets us apart, and sets your business on the path to success.

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